Thursday, July 12, 2018


American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy), 2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”

Libertarian lies and hoaxes yield abject poverty.
1. Here’s a libertarian hoax. Decentralization is a macroeconomic tenant.
2. “Americans for Prosperity = prosperity for the 1%.
3. Gops are turning workers into serfs/slaves.  They promote: “Economic freedom” for their donor class.

Blame is the key to Gop propaganda, so believers can feel superior. Paint a gloomy picture of “others” to detest.
How to justify meanness?

It's not easy to be cruel to someone who is down and out. After all, most of us feel ashamed when walking by a homeless person or watching kids crammed into over-crowded classrooms. It requires several psychological twists and turns to make life even harder for low-income Americans.

1. You have to blame low-income parents for their own economic problems. Even if the unemployment rate is sky-high it must be the poor person’s fault.

2. You need to feel superior — that somehow you got to where you are today not by an accident of birth but rather by your own hard labors. Anyone not as successful as you, by definition, is inferior.

3. You have to believe that meanness really is tough love — that by taking benefits away from the poor you are actually helping them on the road to self-sufficiency.

4. It’s helpful to have access to the broader Randian/libertarian philosophy that argues all forms of collective government action are an attack on freedom. In this view, altruism is seen as a curse that justifies collective government programs which essentially steal money from the makers and to waste on the takers. All collective caring by the state, therefore, is evil, so that all support for the poor via government is evil as well.

5. It’s psychologically crucial to have your prejudices confirmed by charismatic alchemists like Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan who peddle selfishness as the highest form of morality (although only Ayn Rand had the guts to say it so bluntly).

Now politicians like Paul Ryan who used to say things like:
Right now, about 60 percent of the American people get more benefits in dollar value from the federal government than they pay back in taxes. So, we're going to a majority of takers versus makers...
are saying, instead:
No one is suggesting that what we call our earned entitlements – entitlements you pay for, like payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security – are putting you in a 'taker' category. No one would suggest that whatsoever."

FACT CHECK: "Learn Liberty" is maintained by "Institute for Humane Studies". The Institute for Humane Studies is a libertarian opinionated fact mill whose donors include: Sarah Scaife Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation, the F.M. Kirby Foundation, the Marcus Foundation, the John William Pope Foundation, the Ed Uihlein Family Foundation, the Ralph Smeed Private Memorial Foundation, the Koch Family Foundations, the Searle Freedom Trust, the E.L. Craig Foundation, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Sources:

Libertarian Promoted, 5 Equality Myths – It skews perspective.
5 Inequality MythsLibertarian Excuses for Unbridle Capitalism:

The Poor Pay Taxes:

The “right” attacks, degrades, detests, demonizes and demoralizes the poor. Why should they have more children? To be more miserable? To have them starve or make them obsess with inadequate food assistance – because wages are too low? Why are people allowed to starve in the U.S.

Mitt Romney’s secretly recorded comment that 47 percent of Americans are “dependent on the government” and “believe they are victims” isn’t the only reason he lost the presidential campaign. But the candidate himself acknowledged after the election that the comments were “very harmful.” 

“Takers, freeloaders, moochers etc. are ALWAYS BROKE & looking for a handout! The secret to wealth can be found in giving wisely!”

Billionaire Koch brothers network lays siege to Florida to push policy initiatives as midterms loom


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