Thursday, May 12, 2016


Trumped! - Early Donnie J Compilation
Too much material to keep up with!
This post is not well organized. It’s a collection of many of the best materials I’ve found or written to suggest the absurdity of this candidate. Now better organized!
American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy)2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate. If you find anything incorrect or lacking, please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We continue to improve each post based on new input.) 
Everyone and every organization make mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors policies that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below the one percent.
Please, use this and my other blogs as references to prove points; they’re well cited..
(Citations may include footnotes with asterisks or superscripts, or links.)
Donnie J's positions are a moving target. He has none. How can one believe anything he says? He contradicts himself from minute-to-minute or at his next campaign stop. Even his self-paid candidacy is a hoax. Donnie J's loaned his campaign money, not he wants to raise 1.6 B for his "general election campaign" and probably to pay his debt to himself. TG

We desperately need to elect an un-presidential, inexperienced, cruel, shameless, hypocritical, thin-skinned, intolerant, non-substantive, unsubstantial, bullying, insulting, blowhard, who is a crass, narcissistic, draft-dodging, policy-lacking, lying, hateful, sexist, fascist, racist and ignorant media manipulator. He makes our country a laughing stock on the international stage at least weekly. TG
Click to annoy the Donald:
Tabloid Donnie J went to reality TV, to birther conspiracist, to Gop donor and presenter, to controlling Gopism. Donnie’s talked about running for president since the 90s. Since current Gopism is founded on lies, Donnie figured out how to hijack the party to fulfill his narcissistic, racist desire. TG
Google, Dump Trump:

Donnie J's 3rd grade vocabulary leaves me wondering. He says, "I have the best words." Non-PC cussing doesn't quite prove that true.

C.A.D. = Con Artist Donnie!

How Fraudulent Don the Con Influences the Weak Minded

Fraudulent Don the Con uses persuasion techniques to ignore truth and appeal to conspiracy hoax followers. Fraudulent Don the Con – weak mind manipulation explained by brilliant Scott Adams:
DT16 Reality show manipulator (17 min.):

DJ, I am such a pitch man – clever animated video to the tune of “If I Were a Rich Man” (1:25):

Donnie J’s Racism, Misogyny, & White Supremacy

DJ, racist:


DJ16, white supremacist support:



Salma Hayek on DJ’s Madness! (1:07)

Lies & hoaxes!

DJ U, inflate your income scam:
Donnie J’s Farcical Wall (His greatest idea!) and the disastrous current fence – John Oliver (18:32) – worth a view! Get a waffle iron instead.:

DJ, Lie:

Donnie J’s Military Relationships


Donnie J’s Money & Campaign Funding

DJ, Mitt has to release tax returns.:

Fraudulent Don the Con isn’t funding his own campaign. It’s a lie, like about 80% of what he spews.

Fraudulent Don the Con’s Words Will Haunt Him
His surrogates claim they’re only points of negotiation, yet Donnie J said he will do everything he says he will do.

Global Concern

Trump Falling “Value”

Unfit Donnie J’s Temperament / Inadequacy

Donnie J’s Absurdity

DJ: “I know words. I have the best words.” “Goofus, bigly, Tanzania, Two Corinthians, yuge, 7-Eleven attacks, San Bernardino, etc.”

Party of Trump Classy? (1:38):


Donnie J’s Supporters

Trump Racism

Trump Victims

Media Assistance & Feigned Disgust with It

GOP Resistance

GOP Caused Donnie Rise

GOP Party Suffers

Republican Henry M. Paulson Jr. is chairman of the Paulson Institute and a former U.S. treasury secretary and chief executive of Goldman Sachs:

DJ’s Positions / Beliefs?


DJ, exceptions to his Muslim ban:

DJ Climate Change Denial:


DJ’s Past

One of Trump’s most controversial claims is that he saw a television news report about thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001. That statement ended up on the Washington Post Fact Checkers list of 2015biggest Pinocchios.
Trump frequently touts his financial acumen. He often says he is worth $10 billion, though most analysts say that is exaggerated. Bloomberg News closely studied his 92-page financial disclosure report and concluded that he is really worth $2.9 billion.
That may sound like a lot of money. But don’t forget that Trump inherited a lot of money, too — about $40 million in 1974. In 1978, his net worth was estimated by BusinessWeek at $100 million. The Post’s Wonkblog calculated that if Trump had gotten out of real estate, put his money in an index fund based on the Standard & Poor’s 500 index and reinvested the dividends, he’d be worth twice as much — $6 billion — today.
National Journal noted that Warren Buffett was also worth $40 million in 1974 — and he managed to turn that into $67 billion today. But then Buffett doesn’t have a long list of business flops, such as Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, various Trump casinos, Trump Steaks and Trump University.

Donald Trump, the vulgar, adulterating, bullying, mob-connected, scam artist Planned Parenthood apologist who brags about his penis size and calls women dogs and claims he does not need God's forgiveness, has now won almost the entire Bible Belt.

Let that sink in.

Don't try to put a positive spin on this. The fact is, with only North Carolina left to vote, an unrepentant philanderer and tyrant who brags of his plan to murder women and children when elected president has now won every state that we've previously considered the Bible Belt. He's won almost the entire south, in fact, defeated only in Texas and Oklahoma.

"But most of the people didn't vote for Trump!"

Stop it. Trump got 47 percent of the vote in Mississippi. 43 percent in Alabama. Over 40 percent in Louisiana. He won with smaller margins in places like South Carolina and Arkansas, but he still won. Thousands and thousands and thousands of "Christians" chose him. And they chose him over guys like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and even Kasich and Carson, when he was still in.

"A lot of them were open primaries!"

Stop it. Open or not, if Trump wins the nomination, he will have won it with the indispensable support of almost the entire "Evangelical" South.

Do you know how many votes a fraudulent hypocrite who advocates war crimes and supported partial birth abortion should receive in a state that calls itself a member of "the Bible Belt"? Try zero.
You make excuses all you want, but the fact remains that the most un-Christian Republican candidate in American history is now leading in delegates because the vast majority of our "conservative Christian" states chose him. That's the reality. And it's a travesty.

Perhaps its time to think up a new moniker for that region of the country. Maybe we can call it the Secular Populist Belt. Or the Reality TV Fans Belt. Or the Christian Culturally But Not Spiritually Belt. I guess that's all a bit wordy. Maybe we should just call it the Trump Belt. Trump actually has a fashion line that sells belts, and I'm sure it will go bankrupt soon enough, just like Christianity in America is going spiritually bankrupt. See, it all comes together pretty nicely, doesn't it?

Whatever new name we choose, all I know is that any state that throws it support behind Donald Trump does not deserve to tout its "Biblical" credentials. But I suppose there's no reason to be surprised here. Many Christians in America have long decided to adjust their faith to fit into their life, rather than the other way around. For many of us, our faith is just a word and a slogan and maybe a few bits of Old Testament trivia clanging around in our heads. This is what we're seeing play out today. And we ought to be ashamed.

Lord help us.
On another note, God bless Texas.

Mocking DJ

DJ16, Darth Trump Mashup:

Please see my other blog/s:

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