27 Ways
Gops/Gyps* Attack Big Cities:
Institutional/Systemic racism is killing and keeping inner cities down.
*Gops should be called Gyps =
“Grand” Younger Partiers (Even “GOP” is a double lie!) Have Gyps done any
national good in the last 35 years?
American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy), 2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate. If you find anything incorrect or lacking,
please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We
continue to improve each post based on new input.)
Everyone and every organization make
mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond
reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors
policies, based on lies at their core, that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below
the one percent.
→ Please, use this and my other blogs as
references to prove points; they’re well cited.
A persistent Gop/Gyp myth/lie involves attacking Dems for destroying
big cities. It’s another hoax, based on Dems fighting against Gop actions with
inadequate resources or possible legal actions. Here’s a list, so far, of what’s
hurting big cities.
1. Mortgage
redlining isolation – Isolation yields pockets of
poor and/or racially segregated people. This is blamed on Dem local government,
but has nothing to do with it.
2. Credit
card redlining isolation – Isolation yields pockets of
poor and/or racially segregated people. This is blamed on Dem local government,
but has nothing to do with it.
3. Insurance
redlining isolation – Isolation yields pockets of
poor and/or racially segregated people. This is blamed on Dem local government,
but has nothing to do with it.
4. Retail redlining
isolation – Isolation yields pockets of poor and/or racially segregated
people. This is blamed on Dem local government, but has nothing to do
with it.
5. Student
loan isolation – Isolation yields pockets of
poor and/or racially segregated people. This is blamed on Dem local government,
but has nothing to do with it.
6. Environmental
racism isolation – Isolation yields pockets of
poor and/or racially segregated people. This is blamed on Dem local government,
but has nothing to do with it.
7. Liquorlining
isolation – Isolation yields pockets of poor and/or racially segregated
people. This is blamed on Dem local government, but has nothing to do
with it.
8. Free trade
policies that pull jobs from large city areas. This is blamed on Dem local government, but
has nothing to do with it.
9. Education
funding policies which favor suburban districts with
better funding, when their children start school with fewer challenges and need
a lot less funding to achieve educational success. This is blamed on Dem local government, but is
the result of state laws.
10. Gop initiated “war on drugs” has been a
disaster for inner-city families – breaking up many and leaving those convicted
with no hope for a future upon leaving incarceration.
11. Gop initiated “mandatory
minimum sentencing” has also been a disaster for inner-city families –
breaking up many and leaving those convicted with no hope for a future upon leaving
incarceration. With jail ministry, I’ve observed far more minorities in our
jail than whites – suggesting those in the inner-city are treated less
12. Gop constantly desired deregulation lead
to our dot-com and real
estate market crashes and loss of funds for cities and
small investors.
13. Gop constantly desired deregulation lead to city
funds being steered into derivatives and
bundled subprime
mortgages, which proved disastrous in the ’07-’08 crash.
14. Gop racism shows up in police
shooting and beating violence toward minorities
leading to minority deaths.
15. Gop money over people policies, like Rick Snyder’s in MI are
leading to poisoning and more deaths.
16. Chicago has Indiana with plentiful guns 30
miles away. Chicago is often used as an excuse to promote the NRA myth that guns make people safer and to suggest that restrictive gun laws
don’t work.
19. In 2013, SCOTUS (The Supreme Court of the United
States) invalidated
part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
20. Police view minorities differently. Police shoot
an inordinate number of unarmed African Americans versus Caucasions. “Police have shot
and killed a young black man (ages 18 to 29) — such as Michael Brown
in Ferguson, Mo. —175 times since January 2015; 24 of them were unarmed. Over
that same period, police have shot and killed 172 young white men, 18 of whom
were unarmed.” Violence lies
persist. Police violence is the #1 reason for
African American pessimism.
23. Due to NRA lobbying/ownership, many
in congress, especially Gops won’t allow sensible
gun laws. See pics.
25. The lies,
myths and hoaxes Gops promote led to Donnie
J as their nominee with his racist speech tactics.
26. Vast gun ownership and minority
crimes, caused by much of the above list, contribute to
police being additionally wary in the inner city.
27. Racial
health concerns also hurt minorities and cites: “Thanks to structures of racism and poverty that stretch
back for generations, black Americans are still more likely to lack access to surgical and
emergency medical care, more likely to patronize hospitals that
employ less-experienced
staff, and much less likely to receive high-quality
primary care.
Racial profiling is not only a danger to a
person's legal rights, which guarantee equal protection under the law. It is
also a danger to their health.
A growing literature shows discrimination raises the risk
of many emotional and physical problems. Discrimination has been shown to
increase the risk of stress, depression,
the common cold,
hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, breast cancer,
and mortality.”
From: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/7/31/1552285/-Black-Lives-Matter-in-public-health-too
This list will increase as more Gop
disasters are revealed.
Please see my other blog/s: http://ampolissues.blogspot.com/