Monday, December 28, 2015

Pro-Life? – One Wedge Issue

What is Pro-Life? 40 Ways Dems are more Pro-Life! 
One Wedge Issue Clarified
American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy)2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate.  If you find anything incorrect or lacking, please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We continue to improve each post based on new input.) 
Everyone and every organization make mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors policies, based on lies at their core, that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below the one percent.

Please, use this and my other blogs as references to prove points; they’re well cited.
(Citations may include footnotes with asterisks or superscripts, or links.)

What is life? Is abortion murder? When is a human alive, according to the Bible?

Narrative Leading to My Research Conclusions:

My mother had 2 miscarriages; my wife’s mother had 5. I believe a successful birth is a miracle, including my own four children. Conception is not the start of life; successful birth is. Conception gives a potential life in an awesome process of development. It’s not until that first breath is inhaled that parents know life has truly begun.

Prayer can help with this process. Imagine, not wanting or being ready or able to financially, physically, emotionally or psychologically feed and care for an unintended impregnation. What options are there?

I personally favor contraception and choice for rape or incest. I also favor saving mother's lives. That's what legal clinics have done. Abortion isn't good, but should it override all the good Dems do for the living? Should Gop greed to benefit their billionaire oligarchs outweigh compassion for people?

Dems on Life
1.        Dems promote sensible gun laws to yield less murder in our country.
2.        Dems promote zero wars which kill many of our youth.
3.        ACA promotes healthy pregnancies with regular checkups; GOPs oppose it.
4.    Dems promote Supplemental Nutrition or SNAP program which supports the elderly, underemployed, underpaid, etc. along with the Federal Women, Infants and Children food program (WIC).
5.        Dems promote the Violence Against Women Act, and violence jeopardizes unborn children.
6.        Dems promote ACA which includes prenatal healthcare.
7.        Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better air quality.
8.        Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better water quality.
9.        Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better land quality.
10.     Dems promote higher food inspection standards, which yield better food quality.
11.    Dems promote equal pay for women. Lower SES can contribute to miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as premature infant death. Some of these factors include homelessness, severe poverty and unsanitary living conditions.
12.    Dems also recognize human caused climate change due to carbon pollution and promote alternative energy sources with tax breaks.
13.    Dems make lives better by favoring income equality, instead of “supply side” which only make billionaires wealthier – robbing from the poor and giving to the wealthy elite.
14.    Dems promote women’s cancer screenings; Gops want to cut funding.
15.    Dems believe stem cell research will tremendously benefit living humans.
16.    Dems believe in compassion toward refugees to save their lives.
17.    Dems promote contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Inner-city girls, who in a moment of passion, find themselves pregnant can – with negligible family support – also find their futures destroyed by being tied to babies they cannot support. Their school potential can go down the drain with this condition.
18.    Dems are also concerned about overpopulation of our planet, which overtaxes our resources, causes more pollution, creates situations which contribute to wars, etc.
19.    Dems are concerned about choice, not using religion to control individuals.
20. Dems favor policies that improve inner cities. Gops attack big cities.
21. Dems favor policies that improve finances for the middle class and poor. Gops attack the middle class and poor.
22. Dems favor government services which help the middle class and poor survive more comfortably. Gops say we need to cut government and cut funding to make it less effective to excuse further cuts.
23. Dems promote & oppose cuts to food for needy families.
24. Dems promote oppose cuts to housing & Section 8 housing  for needy families.
25. Dems promote oppose cuts to temporary assistance for needy families.
26. Dems promote oppose cuts to S.S.I. for needy families.
27. Dems promote oppose cuts to public education which benefits needy families.

The next ten are all attacks enacted or removed since tRump came into power with Russian intrusion.
28. Dems oppose enacting tax cuts favoring wealthy over average workers. Gops do it.*
29. Dems oppose taking billions out of workers’ pockets – weaken or abandon pay protection laws. Gops do it.*
30. Dems oppose blocking workers from court access; allow job contract mandatory arbitration clauses. Gops do it.*
31. Dems oppose pushing immigration policies that hurt all workers. Gops do it.*
32. Dems oppose rolling back regulations that protect worker pay and safety.  Gops do it.*
33. Dems oppose stacking he Federal Reserve Board w/ Wall-Street friendly chairs – greed over people. Gops do it.*
34. Dems oppose ensuring Wall Street gets more of workers’ retirement savings w/ hidden fees. Gops do it.*
35. Dems oppose stacking the Supreme Court to favor corporations over workers with Neil Gorsuch. Gops do it.*
36. Dems oppose trying to take affordable health care away from millions of working people. Gops do it.*
37. Dems oppose undercutting key worker protection agencies by nominating anti-worker leaders.  Gops do it. *
38. Dems promote fair taxation. Gops promote sales taxes in states, instead of property taxes or income tax. Sales tax affects the poor more making their conditions considerable more challenging.
39. Dems promote keeping religion our of government. Using religion to control others is evil.
40 Dems base policies and positions on facts, truth, science, logic, love, democracy. Gops have based theirs on the lies/hoaxes surrounding voodoo economics/supply-side/trickle-down economics. These lies set them up to allow the saddest political liar the U.S. has ever seen to take over their party and they're complicit - because they lie for him. The lies are tearing at the fabric of our republic, destroying democratic norms and leaving normal processes in shambles. It's difficult to promote caring for people based on lies.

Moral values are exemplified by the many ways Dems show concern for LIFE in 40 ways Gops do not. Gops don't understand "Pro-Life".

Planned Parenthood does cancer screenings, mammograms, contraception, women’s healthcare, etc. It’s abortions are not paid for with tax dollars.

Eloquent Elizabeth Warren on defunding Planned Parenthood:

The majority of women want to make their decision, not have a bunch of old white men make it for them. The wealthy can always have safe abortions, if they desire them. Many women died in back alleys and with coat hanger abortions, before it was legalized via Roe Vs. Wade.

Restrictive laws do not lessen abortion rates.
Switzerlnad - Safe, Legal & Rare Abortion:
Netherlands Study:
Time on Abortion Rates:
Women's Rights:

Definition: “Murder - the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another”

Gops are puritanical. They want to control our country using religion as a basis. That was tried in England; the Puritans were ousted from power. ISIS is using their version of religion to run their caliphate. Church and state and intentionally separated in our constitution.

Crass, but good points! George Carlin, Sanctity of Life (FL):

As of 2012 most women favor choice and most Americans favor the Roe Vs. Wade decision.

Gops, at least in Facebook discussion threads, claim planned parenthood targets minorities, as a racist effort. The supporting article shows it’s not true.

Gops consider “Right to Life” a strategy. Here’s proof:

RTL, Anti-abortion Strategy:

Recent pieces on abortion:

ACA falsehoods:

Election 2016 Aftermath, including abortion rights:

Indiana abortion law signed by Mike Pence ruled unconstitutional:

Women’s Rights & Nikki Haley (Gop obfuscation):

I was an independent voter, but in 2016 became a Democrat. In the past, I voted for Ford, Reagan (2nd term), G.H.W. Bush, Dole and even McCain. The only one of those votes I’m now proud of was for Ford.

After the Koch brothers sponsored the tea party to exert excessive influence over the Republican (Gop) party, I’ve been debating politics on Facebook and with family members, along with doing an incredible amount of research. This might seem incredibly one-sided, but every Gop position I’ve researched is based on at least one lie from what I can determine. I’m quite willing to debate this phenomenon.
Please see my other blog/s:

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