Sunday, February 21, 2016


46 Ways Gops Attack the Middle Class and Poor – hence destroying the American Dream
American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy)2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate. If you find anything incorrect or lacking, please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We continue to improve each post based on new input.) 
Everyone and every organization make mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors policies, based on lies at their core, that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below the one percent.

Please, use this and my other blogs as references to prove points; they’re well cited.
(Citations may include footnotes with asterisks or superscripts, or links.)
Since Reagan, Gops have been constantly attacking the fabric of the American Dream.
This list will be added to as more ways are discovered or observed.
So what are some of the Gop attacks?     
1. Supply-side economics – Let’s give all the money to the ultra-wealthy and see if any comes back.              
2. Their “pro-life strategy– This is a wedge issue, focusing the radically religious on one issue instead of on life.
3. More guns make people safer.  – There’s no country that suggests this fallacy.
4. Climate change isn’t caused by humans. – Science deniers are unsupported by any facts. Hoaxes don’t add up.   
5. Science research and fact checkers aren’t credible because all researchers have personal bias.     – This allows Gops to attack education. The Gops’ oligarchs want to produce students who can’t think for themselves and figure out what’s going wrong in America.
6. Corporations are people– This Citizens United Supreme Court decision has brought more dark money into elections.
7. All Muslims 1. should be feared. – This goes against the very fabric of our country. We are a nation built on immigrants. We also need the support of peaceful Muslims to fight against the misinterpreted form of their religion.
8. Sensible gun laws will kill the 2nd Amendment. – Is there any evidence from another country that more weapons make people safer? Switzerland doesn't work, as an example. Everyone that has a weapon at home there is part of their military. Our pretend militias are not part of our National Guard, our actual militia.
9. Unions*** are bad for our country. – Attacking unions was given root by Ronald Reagan. It has tremendously weakened the middle class, which was built largely by good paying jobs due to unionization.
10. ACA** is a disaster. – ACA has put a lot of uninsured citizens on insurance. It needs improvement, but congress refuses to act, except to desire to abolish it, -- which is just plain wrong.
11. Socialism 2. is a “slippery slope.” – Government exists for the people, not for oligarchs like the Gops. This hogwash promoted by Gops only benefits the wealthy. It doesn't grow our economy or eliminate suffering.
12. Women and minorities are treated fairly in our country. – More ways Gops hold down the middle class and the poor.
13. The poor are on “easy street” and are “irresponsible”, “lazy”, “non-workers”, “unworthy”, takers”, “moochers”, “leeches”, “sponges”, “parasites”, “undeserving”, “freeloaders”,  “the moocher class”, “the nation of takers”, “government dependents”, “don’t want to work”, etc. – These lies make it easy to deny them benefits and government support, often hurting children, disabled and elderly.
14. Gops attack government. – Government is needed. Taxes buy the safety, education, commerce, infrastructure and comforts of civilization.
15. We need to build up our military. – Our government provides the best military in the world. Gops used scare tactics, focusing on any global negative to suggest we need to spend more on our military. We spend considerably more than the next nine countries.

16. Reagan proved supply-side works.
17. Our (U.S.) debt is too high. – It’s lower per GDP than after WWII.  
18. The poor pay no taxes3..  – This is a blatant myth used to attack government assistance for those who disabled, elderly, unemployed or underemployed. Here are supportive links #1, #2, and #3.
19. The Reagan administration introduced “reverse mortgages. – These steal wealth from the middle class.
20. Gops take us into news wars. Dems promote zero wars which kill many of our youth.
21. Gops want to undo ACA. Dems promote healthy pregnancies with regular checkups; Gops oppose it.
22. Gops deny women protection under the law. Dems promote the Violence Against Women Act, and violence jeopardizes unborn children.
23. Gops want to undo ACA. Dems promote ACA which includes prenatal healthcare.
24. Gops want to ease environmental regulations. Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better air quality.
25. Gops want to ease environmental regulations. Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better water quality.
26. Gops want to ease environmental regulations. Dems promote higher environmental standards, which yield better land quality.
27. Gops want to ease environmental regulations. Dems promote higher inspection standards, which yield better food quality.
28. Gops want to cut government assistance. Dems promote Supplemental Nutrition or SNAP program which supports the elderly, underemployed, underpaid, etc. along with the Federal Women, Infants and Children food program (WIC).
29. Gops attack benefits that help those in need. Dems promote equal pay for women and oppose cuts to food, housing and assistance for needy families. Lower SES can contribute to miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as premature infant death. Some of these factors include homelessness, severe poverty and unsanitary living conditions.
30. Gops attack ACA and Planned Parenthood. Dems promote women’s cancer screenings; Gops want to cut funding.
31. Gops attack Planned Parenthood. Dems promote stem cell research to tremendously medically benefit living humans.
32. Gops attack refugee resettlement. Dems promote in compassion toward refugees to save their lives and continue to build our economy.
33. Gops attack ACA and Planned Parenthood. Dems promote contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Youth, in a moment of passion, can find themselves pregnant – with negligible family support – also can find their futures destroyed by being tied to babies they cannot support. Their school potential can go down the drain with this condition.
34. Gops attack ACA and Planned Parenthood. Dems promote concern about overpopulation of our planet, which overtaxes our resources, causes more pollution, creates situations which contribute to wars, etc.
35. Gops claim government can’t create jobs, yet 16% of our current jobs are in government. They’re good jobs and our mutual employees stimulate the economy through their purchases from our pay to them.
36. Gops have attacked pensions, since the 80s. - Most people do not know how to invest and get shafted by companies that are “managing” their investments. Gops also keep bringing up privatizing Social Security and Medicare, because they work. (They fly in the face of Gop claims that government doesn't work.)

The rest are all attacks enacted or removed since tRump came into power with Russian intrusion.
37. Dems oppose enacting tax cuts favoring wealthy over average workers. Gops do it.*
38. Dems oppose taking billions out of workers’ pockets – weaken or abandon pay protection laws. Gops do it.*
39. Dems oppose blocking workers from court access; allow job contract mandatory arbitration clauses. Gops do it.*
40. Dems oppose pushing immigration policies that hurt all workers. Gops do it.*
41. Dems oppose rolling back regulations that protect worker pay and safety.  Gops do it.*
42. Dems oppose stacking he Federal Reserve Board w/ Wall-Street friendly chairs – greed over people. Gops do it.*
43. Dems oppose ensuring Wall Street gets more of workers’ retirement savings w/ hidden fees. Gops do it.*
44. Dems oppose stacking the Supreme Court to favor corporations over workers with Neil Gorsuch. Gops do it.*
45. Dems oppose trying to take affordable health care away from millions of working people. Gops do it.*
46. Dems oppose undercutting key worker protection agencies by nominating anti-worker leaders.  Gops do it. *

This list will be added to as more ways are discovered or observed.

I was an independent voter, but in 2016 became a Democrat. In the past, I voted for Ford, Reagan (2nd term), G.H.W. Bush, Dole and even McCain. The only one of those votes I’m now proud of was for Ford.

After the Koch brothers sponsored the tea party to exert excessive influence over the Republican (Gop) party, I’ve been debating politics on Facebook and with family members, along with doing an incredible amount of research. Every Gop position is based on at least one lie from what I’ve determined.

Please see my other blog/s:

Friday, February 19, 2016


Climate Change Causation
This post is not well organized. It’s a collection of many of the best materials I’ve found or written to suggest the absurdity of denying human contribution to climate change.

American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy), 2016 Dem! was independent – used to lean right
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate. If you find anything incorrect or lacking, please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We continue to improve each post based on new input.) 
Everyone and every organization make mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors policies, based on lies at their core, that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below the one percent.

Please, use this and my other blogs as references to prove points; they’re well cited.
(Citations may include footnotes with asterisks or superscripts, or links.)

Humans are Causing Climate Change. All this research is well-cited, which makes it factual and believable, unlike posting to the contrary – which use a few purchased researched to fake contrary material to that of real science.

The Koch brothers have played an active role in opposing climate change legislation. In 2011, the EPA reported that Koch Industries "emitted over twenty-four million tons of carbon dioxide", as much as is typically emitted by five million cars.[87] A study from the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University reported that "[I]n 2011 and 2012, Koch Industries Public Sector LLC, the lobbying arm of Koch Industries, advocated for the Energy Tax Prevention Act, which would have rolled back the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could regulate greenhouse gases."[88][89] The Koch Foundation is a major funder of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, an effort to address the criticism of records of the earth's surface temperatures. At least two of the project's seven scientists are seen as climate change skeptics by many in the climate science world.[90]

The Charles G. Koch Foundation gave climate skeptic Willie Soon two grants totaling $175,000 in 2005/6 and again in 2010. Soon has stated that he has "never been motivated by financial reward in any of my scientific research".[91] The foundation helped finance a 2007 analysis suggesting that climate change was not a threat to the survival of polar bears,[92] which was questioned by other researchers.[93] The foundation also funded a $150,000 study by UC Berkeley physicist Richard A. Muller who initially concluded that global warming data was flawed, but later reversed his views, supporting scientific consensus.[94][95]

According to the environmentalist group Greenpeace, organizations that the Koch brothers help fund such as Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato institute and the Manhattan Institute have been active in questioning global warming.[96] Through Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers influenced more than 400 members of Congress to sign a pledge to vote against climate change legislation that does not include equivalent tax cuts.[88][97][98][99]

NASA data on Climate Change:

CO2 This video clip clearly demonstrates why our CO(2) is off the chart of normalcy.

Isle Royale’s winter ice bridges are disappearing.


“In 2008, Steyer and Taylor gave $40 million to create the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford University. The center focuses on the development of affordable renewable energy technologies and promotion of public policies that make renewable energy more accessible. Projects include the creation of lighter, less toxic, and more durable batteries and an analysis of the current power grid’s ability to support future renewable energy technologies.”[3][31]          

Climate change
“The Koch brothers have played an active role in opposing climate change legislation. In 2011, the EPA reported that Koch Industries "emitted over twenty-four million tons of carbon dioxide", as much as is typically emitted by five million cars.[87] A study from the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University reported that "[I]n 2011 and 2012, Koch Industries Public Sector LLC, the lobbying arm of Koch Industries, advocated for the Energy Tax Prevention Act, which would have rolled back the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could regulate greenhouse gases."[88][89] The Koch Foundation is a major funder of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, an effort to address the criticism of records of the earth's surface temperatures. At least two of the project's seven scientists are seen as climate change skeptics by many in the climate science world.[90]

The Charles G. Koch Foundation gave climate skeptic Willie Soon two grants totaling $175,000 in 2005/6 and again in 2010. Soon has stated that he has "never been motivated by financial reward in any of my scientific research".[91] The foundation helped finance a 2007 analysis suggesting that climate change was not a threat to the survival of polar bears,[92] which was questioned by other researchers.[93] The foundation also funded a $150,000 study by UC Berkeley physicist Richard A. Muller who initially concluded that global warming data was flawed, but later reversed his views, supporting scientific consensus.[94][95]

According to the environmentalist group Greenpeace, organizations that the Koch brothers help fund such as Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato institute and the Manhattan Institute have been active in questioning global warming.[96] Through Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers influenced more than 400 members of Congress to sign a pledge to vote against climate change legislation that does not include equivalent tax cuts.”[88][97][98][99]

“Not on the scale it's currently happening. 97% of scientists know it's happening. In the 70s, based on the cycles FAUX “news” likes to cite, our glaciologist professor told us we were supposed to be heading into another ice age. We've broken out of normal climate cycles.
More severe and more erratic weather is the primary prediction from the global warming super computer simulations done in the 90s. The damage we’ve already done will last 2-300 years if we contain our excessive fun with carbon compounds.
The only reason to deny the reality is to continue our addiction to fossil fuels and now fracking which is damaging ground water, and helping the wealth gap grow more.

Climate change I am baffled that they don't take their children and grandchildren into account. Even if there was just a possibility, wouldn't you think people would care. There's proof and they don't care.
 A 2012 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that 93% of global warming coverage by Fox News was misleading. The report put the figure slightly lower—81 percent—for the Wall Street Journal. The misleading statements identified in the report included "...dismissals of human-caused climate change, disparaging comments about individual scientists, rejections of climate science as a body of knowledge, and cherry picking of data.”

“So only .1% of the individuals on the list of 30,000 signatures have a scientific background in Climatology. To be fair, we can add in those who claim to have a background in Atmospheric Science, which brings the total percentage of signatories with a background in climate change science to a whopping .5%.”  

Phony DATA: Boulder, CO

I was an independent voter, but in 2016 became a Democrat. In the past, I voted for Ford, Reagan (2nd term), G.H.W. Bush, Dole and even McCain. The only one of those votes I’m now proud of was for Ford.

After the Koch brothers sponsored the tea party to exert excessive influence over the Republican (Gop) party, I’ve been debating politics on Facebook and with family members, along with doing an incredible amount of research. This might seem incredibly one-sided, but every Gop position I’ve researched is based on at least one lie from what I can determine. I’m quite willing to debate this phenomenon.

Please see my other blog/s: