Thursday, January 28, 2016


175 Our Government Services We Need*

American Political Issues by Tech Resist (@TecSiGuy)2016 Dem! - was independent – used to lean “right”
(Each post is well-researched, cited, reliable and accurate political commentary. Our blogs are good sources for debate. If you find anything incorrect or lacking, please let us know. Please like us and comment on Facebook or below. We continue to improve each post based on new input.) 
Everyone and every organization make mistakes. No government entity, business, individual or group is beyond reproach. My research, however, suggests one U.S. political party favors policies, based on lies at their core, that only benefit their oligarchs and not those significantly below the one percent.
Please, use this and my other blogs as references to prove points; they’re well cited.
(Citations may include footnotes with asterisks or superscripts, or links.)
This post is under construction. More benefits are being cited.
(Green = personal/commerce related, yellow = health/safety related, blue = regulation, oversight, legal-protection related)
"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: 'I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.'"

Does government serve the common good? That’s the overriding question as to whether or not public programs are valuable. People just don't realize how reliant we are on government almost every moment of our lives. Gops attack government, to cut it, to help their oligarchs control us more, but the vast majority doesn't realize the consequences.

1. Our National Institute of Standards and Technology keeps the official time.
2-4. Our Federal Communications Commission brings organization and coherence to our vast telecommunications system. Its benefits include functioning radio, cell phones, satellite television, wireless computers, etc.
5. Clean air laws that reduce the air pollution for those with breathing conditions.
6. Our government brings safe, monitored water as a resource.
7. Our government regulates known toxins from release into water supplies.
8. Government inspects installation of electrical systems to assure their safety.
9. Food inspection brings us sanitary food.
10. Legal constructs allow us to have “ownership” and “private property” by laws that are passed and enforced by government. 
11. A system of commercial laws concerning contracts and a government that ensures that sales contracts are enforced and allows us to legally purchase a home, etc.
12. Mortgage interest tax deduction and is one of the larger benefit programs run by the federal government to assist with home ownership.
13. Local government then takes care of transporting this sewage, treating it, and disposing of it in an environmentally responsible manner. 
14. Our National Weather Service, a government agency, is responsible for radar and initial weather predictions, which are then locally varied by meteorologists. Weather observations come from surface stations, 2,700 from ships, 115,000 from aircraft, 18,000 for buoys, 250,000 from balloons, and 140 million from satellites. Severe weather warnings for tornadoes, floods and hurricanes also arrive via NWS.
15. Our Food and Drug Administration works to assure safe and effective medications.
16. Our U.S. Postal Service is a self-supporting government agency.
17. Local laws that require people to clean up after their pets. Stray cats and dogs can be caught by your local Animal Control officer.
18. Roads are government benefits.
19. Vehicle safety testing is a government benefit.
20. Traffic laws discourage people from driving too fast or driving drunk.
21. Driver’s license examinations ensure are at least minimally competent drivers who can see the road. 
22. Child safety seats, the use of seat belts and air bags result from government oversight.
23. Auto insurance is a government requirement for vehicle registration.
24. Traffic lights, traffic signs, lanes, etc. are provided by government.
25. Child care oversight is a government benefit including group size, ratios of children per staff member, teacher training, nutrition, health, safety, and space requirements.
26. Child care tax credit is a government benefit.
27. Federal restrictions on hours that truck drivers can operate their vehicles without resting makes travel safer.
28. Annual elevator inspections conducted by your local government.
29. Occupational Safety and Health Act works to provide safe and healthy work conditions.
30. Federal law protects you from workplace discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, or disability. 
31. State laws may also require your employer to purchase worker’s compensation insurance for job injury.
32. Our Government requires all food packaging to have truthful and easily readable labeling with nutritional information.
33. Our Department of Agriculture has developed and enforces uniform standards for pesticide residue on raw foods.
34. Government regulations limit the maximum amount of radiation leakage from microwave ovens.
36. Our money is a government creation, along with regulating money supply and protecting it from counterfeiters. 
37. State-mandated unemployment insurance is provided by government.
38. Medicare protects seniors from financial disaster and helps them make ends meet.
39. Our federal Family and Medical Leave act allows several days off to take care of loved ones.
40. Our State Department of Health has a program of examines and licenses therapists to ensure their work quality.
41. Our government mandates a 40-hour work week.
42.  Laws regulate every phase of a transaction for the sale of goods and provide remedies for problems that may arise.
43. The gas pump sticker shows inspection by your city’s Division of Weights and Measures of the pump and gasoline.
44. Public employees make sure that you get what you pay for, test and inspect commercial meters and scales, and laws to correct checkout scanner errors. 
45. The Department of Attorney General has been responsible for finding and prosecuting cases of price manipulation and price fixing by oil companies and distributors.
46. Government planning departments approve particulars of developments, like green space and tree-lined streets.
47. Zoning laws allows neighborhoods to restrict commercial, retail or manufacturing concerns from infringing on them.
48. Sidewalks are provided or required for pedestrian safety.
49. Public parks preserve nature, allow sports, recreation and peaceful existence and yield sales points for homes.
50. Local government inspects all restaurants to protect customers from food poisoning.
51. Our federal no-call registry is a government service to give us privacy from incessant intrusion.
52. Our internet actually began with government programs that created ARPANET and later NSFNET.
53. Our government funded research that led to web browsers like Internet Explorer and search engines like Google.
54. Local laws require smoke detectors in every residence to protect us from fires
55. By law, roosters aren’t in your city neighborhood to allow you to set your wakeup time.
56. Our government works to prevent economic depressions through our Federal Reserve.
57. Our government catches criminals.
58. Our government tries criminals.
59. Our government imprisons criminals.
60. Our government protects (E.P.A.) our fragile ecosystem (NOAA OLE).
61. Our government fights fires and inspects commercial buildings for fire safety.
62. Our government thwarts terrorist attacks.
63. Our government eradicates deadly diseases.
64. Our government delivers early childhood education.
65. Our government delivers K-12 education.
66. Our government delivers college education.
67. Our government delivers advanced college degrees.
68. Our government delivers grant funding for university research.
69. Our government keeps our currency (money) stable.
Next group**
70. Our government builds and maintains expressways and highways.
71. Our government builds and maintains bridges, dams, levees, seawalls, dikes, flood walls, etc. for water control.
72. Our government oversees the cleanup of oil spills.
73. Our government oversees the cleanup of toxic waste.
74. Our government helped stop upper atmospheric ozone depletion.
Next group***
75. Our government keeps us safe through our Army.
76. Our government sends out Social Security checks.
77. Our government ensures aircraft safety.
78. Our government feeds the hungry.
79. Our government puts out fires.
80. Our government regulates businesses to protect our economy. (“Before government took on this responsibility, severe depressions were a routine and recurring problem in this country – occurring in 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893, 1907 and 1929.”)
81. Our government through vaccination programs has reduced by 95% our risks of contracting potentially debilitating diseases like hepatitis B, measles, mumps, tetanus, rubella, and diphtheria.
82. Our government provided the G.I. bill to dramatically raise the educational level and hence the productivity of our workforce.
83. Our government provided the FHA and G.I. housing loans to allow more Americans to own homes.
84. Unpolluted water for fishing and swimming.
85. Mass transit (trains, airports, subways, etc.) were built with government subsidies.
86. Our government provides federal grants, loans, and work study money. 
87. Our government stops new threats to our food system, such as mad-cow disease.
88. Our government identifies almost 3,000 products that are unfit for consumption and ensures their withdrawal from the marketplace.
89. “Federal funds pay for 80% of the basic science research in this country, through laboratory facilities in universities and in government agencies such as the National Institutes for Health.
90. “In just one area – biomedical science – basic research has provided the foundation to develop new diagnostic technologies, such as nuclear magnetic resonance machines, and new treatments for cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases.”
91. Our government has improved “…nearly half of the most important medical treatments in the field of cardiovascular-pulmonary medicine have their origins in basic research attempting to unravel the mysteries of the lungs, heart, and muscles – work done by scientists not working in this specific disease area.”
92. Our government has provided national parks, state parks, wildlife refuges, state and nationals forests, etc. for recreation and preservation of our ecological resources and habitats for organisms that live there.
93. Our government has provided rural electrification.
94. Our government has provided AmeriCorps to help organizations in our country and develop work skills.
95. Our government has provided the Peace Corps to help with international relations and develop work skills.
96. Our government has provided the National Crime Information Center.
97. Our government has improved our possible amount of retirement income.
98. Our government has lessened the percent of elderly in poverty.
99. Our government has improved pre-natal care.
100. Our government has lessened housing discrimination.
101. Our government has improved life expectancy.
102. Our government has improved the number of people covered by health insurance.
103. Our government had improved the number of people owning houses.
104. Our government had improved the equality of opportunity.
105. Our government had improved voting rights.
106. Our government had improved per capita income.
107. Our government had improved worker productivity.
108. Our government had increased the number scientists and engineers.
109. Our government had increased public and private spending on the arts.
110. Our government has improved infant mortality.
111. Our government had improved graduation from high school and college.
112. Our government has allowed the degree of freedom guaranteed by law.
113. Our government has improved the technical quality of health care.
114. Our government has improved the availability of child care.
115. Our government has lessened the average cost of health care.
**** 75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America - from or based on (Many above also are in this link.)
116. Our government has provided local, state and federal libraries to benefit all of us.
117. Our government delivers special education.
118. Our government provides our Coast Guard.
119. Our government provides our Navy.
120. Our government provides our Marine Corps.
121. Our government provides our Air Force.
122. Our government provides our CIA.
123. Our government provides our FBI.
124. Our government provides our police departments.
125. Our government has provided local, state and federal museums to benefit all of us.
126. Our government jails alleged/accused criminals.
127. Our government provides corporate/business subsidies.
128. Our government provides many benefits to service veterans.
129. Our government provides elected mayors and city/township officials.
130. Our government provides elected county officials.
131. Our government provides elected state senators.
132. Our government provides elected state representatives.
133. Our government provides elected U.S. senators.
134. Our government provides elected U.S. representatives.
135. Our government provides elected state governors and lieutenant governors.

136. Our government provides elected presidents and vice presidents.
This post is under construction. More benefits are being cited.
137. Our government provides local court systems.
138. Our government provides state court systems.
139. Our government provides regional court systems.
140. Our government provides incredibly extensive federal court systems.
141. Our government provides the U.S. Supreme Court.
142. Our government preserves historic sites.
143. Our government provides the G.I. Bill to provide education, loans, savings and unemployment benefits.
144. Our government provides zoos.
145. Our government provides our pentagon military establishment.
146. Our government provides Medicaid to help underpaid and unemployed workers.
147. Our government provides housing assistance to help underpaid and unemployed workers.
148. Our government provides welfare for temporarily unemployed workers.
149. Our government provides disaster relief for floods and storms.
150. Our government provides emergency services, like calling 911.
151. Our government provides disability insurance coverage for those who cannot work.
152. Our governments provide beaches.
153. Our government provides corporate bailouts to prevent financial disasters.
154. Our government provides government buildings; some of which are majestic landmarks.
155. Our government provides monuments.
156. Our government provides snow removal (road salt) and cleanup services.
157. Our government provides city buses.
158. Our government provides WIC to provide nutritional support, education and healthcare for women, infants and children in need.
159. Our government provides PBS along with local donations.
160. Our government provides streetlights.
161. Our government provides public defenders.
162. Our government provides the State Children’s Health Insurance Program for children in medical need who would otherwise fall between the cracks.
163. Our government provides Amtrak.
164. Our government provides National Public Radio along with local donations.
165. Our government provides a free lunch program for low income students.
166. Our government provides a free breakfast program for low income students.

167. Our government provides college scholarships, Pell grants and student aid.
168. Our government provides a Department of Health and Human Services.
169. Our government provides a census every 10 years to determine area needs.
170. Our government provides a Customs and Border Protection Service.
171. Our government provides a Department of Energy, overseeing nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, nuclear  reactors, energy production, energy conservation, etc.
172. Our government provides a Department of Education, to support special education, disabilities, etc.  
173. Our government provides a Secret Service to protect government officials, our money processes, etc.
174. Our government provides a Department of Justice to enforce our laws.

175. Our government provides civilization, to serve the people and protect their rights and freedoms. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism.

"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: 'I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.'"

We have been continually told that government is inefficient, ineffective, corrupt, oppressive, overly expensive, and bad for business. The core message has been clear: government doesn’t help us, it hurts us; it doesn’t solve problems, it is the problem. This claim that “government is bad” has been a central political theme in virtually every Republican election campaign during the last three decades. Americans have always been somewhat suspicious of government, but this tendency has been greatly exacerbated and exaggerated by a steady diet of anti-government rhetoric coming from the political right.”

“… societal goals that most Americans agreed upon – such as a growing economy, high quality health care at a reasonable cost, personal freedom, reduction of poverty, a high per capital income, clean air, equal opportunity in hiring, lower crime rates, retirement security, and so on. He eventually identified seventy five of these goals which he divided into five categories: prosperity, quality of life, opportunity, personal security, and values.”

Can you be compassionate if you consistently undermine the use some of the main tools of compassion in our society – social programs and regulatory rules?”
“Markets versus Governments as Moral Instruments
But if we are going to say that government is an important instrument for moral action, shouldn't we also say that the market is too? … Economists firmly believe that markets do work in the public interest, but they see that as an indirect effect of people acting in their own private interest. In unregulated markets, people are often encouraged to act selfishly to maximize their own well-being – by paying the lowest price, charging the highest price, getting the biggest salaries, or putting their rivals out of business. People are not obligated to take into account moral considerations, such as what is best for society or what is the right thing to do.
Limiting Government Limits our Ability to Do the Right Thing
If modern democratic government and its programs are often a reflection of our best selves – our most decent selves – then right-wing attempts to drastically cut taxes and shrink the public sector can only serve to diminish our ability to act as responsible moral beings. The more we Americans accept the conservative vision of government as "bad," and the more we go along with their attempts to weaken this institution, the more we weaken our ability to make the world a better place.”

What the Right Really Hates: Successful Programs – The myth of inefficient and ineffective government has contributed to tax cuts and caps, which in turn actually make government less able to do its job, which simply reinforces the idea that government is inept and inefficient.
The more conservatives have been able to cut taxes and programs, the more debilitated the public sector has become, and the more disillusioned the public has become about government performance. This is then seized on by government bashers to justify further cuts in taxes and government. It is a negative feedback loop that works to the advantage of those who want to hobble government. Interestingly, just the opposite seems to be the case in other advanced democracies, especially many of those in Europe.”

“Taxes are the lifeblood of government and so if government is basically good, then so are taxes.”**

Other sources:
***The Forgotten Achievements of Government
Why We Need More, Not Less, Government
What Americans REALLY Think about Government
Introduction: Why We Need to Stand Up for Government

I was still an independent voter (until 2016), but now lean heavily left. In the past, I voted for Ford, Reagan (2nd term), G.H.W. Bush, Dole and even McCain. The only one of those votes I’m now proud of was for Ford.

After the Koch brothers sponsored the tea party to exert excessive influence over the Republican (Gop) party, I’ve been debating politics on Facebook and with family members, along with doing an incredible amount of research. This might seem incredibly one-sided, but every Gop position I’ve researched is based on at least one lie from what I can determine. I’m quite willing to debate this phenomenon.

Gops attack government to make it less effective to excuse more cuts. This way their oligarchs can control more through unrestrained capitalism.

Please see my other blog/s: